Here you will find a digitized image of Hejdánek's original filing cabinet. Its total volume is many thousand tickets. We publish them in parts as we handle them. At the moment we have worked out what prof. Hejdánek himself developed electronically. However, much work remains on paper cards. In addition to Hejdánek's extracts from reading, the filing cabinet also includes his own thought work from recent years, which cannot be found elsewhere.


Aristofanés ()
Wise men learn much from their enemies.
(ex: 7843, Webster´s Pocket Quotation Dictionary, Trident Press Int. 1997, p. 105.)
date of origin: říjen 2000

Zápas slov (a moudrost) | Moudrost (a zápas slov) | Sofistika (a moudrost) | Rétorika (jako zápas slov - a moudrost)

Aristofanés (-423)
k divákůmA nyní ukáží ti dva vtipnými řečmi jakož
i úvahou a velikým bohatstvím průpovědí,
který z nich dvou bude líp umět bojovat v zápase slov.
Moudrost tu nyní podstoupí svůj velký boj. 955
Pro moudrost vedou moji druhové svůj velký zápas.
(7537, Oblaky, př. J.Šprincl, Praha 1996, str. 94.)
date of origin: srpen 2002

World | Life

Oscar Wilde ()
Actors are fortunate. They can choose whether they will appear in tragedy or in comedy, whether they will suffer or make merry, laugh or shed tears. But in real life it is different. Most men and women are forced to perform parts for which they have no qualifications. Our Guildensterns ülay Hamlet for us, and our Hamlets have to jest like Prince Hal. The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.
(Lord Arthur Savile´s Crime, in: Complete Works of O.W., Collins, London/Glasgow 1985, p. 174 – <2>.)Oscar Wilde World
date of origin: leden 2002