Archiv Ladislava Hejdánka | Kartotéka

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záznamů: 67

Smyslový předmět (actual entity)

Alfred North Whitehead (1929)
Newton in his description of space and time has confused what is ,real‘ potentiality with what is actual fact. He had thereby been led to diverge from the judgment of ,the vulgar‘ who „conceive those quantities under no other notions but from the relation they bear to sensible objects.“ The philosophy of organism starts by agreeing with the ,vulgar‘ except that the term ,sensible object‘ is replaced by ,actual entity‘; so as to free our notions from participation in an epistemological theory as to sense-perception. When we further consider how to adjust Newton´s other descriptions to the organic theory, ...
(Process and Reality, New York-London 1979, p. 73.)
vznik lístku: březen 2012

Pravda | Pravda (latinské citáty)

Nihil enim est … veritatis luce dulcius. (Cicero Acad. ad Varronem II, 10, 31)
Simplex ratio veritatis. (Cicero, De or. I, 53, 229)
Veritatis simplex oratio est. (Seneca, Ep. 49, 12)
Patet omnibus veritas. (Seneca, Ep. 33, 11)
Satis diserte pro se loquitur veritas. (Publius Syrus, Sent. S. 50)
O magna vis veritatis, quae contra hominum ingenia, calliditatem, sollertiam contraque fictas omnium insidias facile se per se ipsa defendat! (Cicero, Cael. 26, 63)
Veritas temporis filia est. (Gellius, Noct.Att. XII, 11, 7)
Veritatem dies aperit. (Seneca, De ira II, 22, 2)
Vulgoque veritas iam attributa vino est. (Plinius st., Nat XIV, 22 (28), 141)
Quam nocet saepe verum dicere! (Phaedrus, Fab. Appendix 15)
Veritas odium parit. (Ausonius, Ludus, Bias 3)
Vulgus veritatis pessimus interpres. (Seneca, Vit 2, 1)
Veritatem laborare nimis saepe aiunt, exstingui numquam. (Livius, Urb. XXII, 39, 19)
Errore enim veritas originis non amittitur. (Ulpianus, Dig. L, 1, 6)
Veritas visu et mora, falsa festinatione et incertis valescunt. (Tacitus, Ann. II, 39)
Nimium altercando veritas avertitur. (Publius Syrus, Sent. N. 40)
(citováno ex: 6556, Moudrost starých Římanů, Praha 1990, str. 43 nn. – tam jsou i české překlady)
vznik lístku: březen 2000