Here you will find a digitized image of Hejdánek's original filing cabinet. Its total volume is many thousand tickets. We publish them in parts as we handle them. At the moment we have worked out what prof. Hejdánek himself developed electronically. However, much work remains on paper cards. In addition to Hejdánek's extracts from reading, the filing cabinet also includes his own thought work from recent years, which cannot be found elsewhere.

Protivenství | Resistence

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (-5 - +65)
Epistula LXXVIII.
Toto contra ille pugnet animo; vincetur, si cesserit, vincet, si se contra dolorem suum intenderit. Nunc hoc plerique faciunt, adtrahunt in se ruinam, cui obstandum est. Istud quod premit, quod inpendet, quod urget, si subducere te coeperis, sequetur et gravius incumbet; si contra steteris et obniti volueris, repelletur. …
[Let such a man fight against them with all his might: if he once gives way, he will be vanquished; but if he strives against his sufferings, he will conquer. As it is, however, what most men do is to drag down upon their own heads a falling ruin which they ought to try to support. If you begin to withdraw your support from that which thrusts toward you and totters and is ready to plunge, it will follow you and lean more heavily upon you; but if you hold your ground and make up your mind to push against it, it will be forced back. …]
(…., Ad Lucilium Epistulae morales, London 1970, p. 190 / 191.)
date of origin: březen 2000

Nemoc (vlastní)

Karl Jaspers (1953)
Alle Entschlüsse meines Lebens waren mitbedingt durch eine Grundtatsache meines Daseins. Von Kindheit an war ich organisch krank (Bronchiektasen und sekundäre Herzinsufilosofizienz). Auf der Jagd saß ich manchmal, aus Schwäche des Körpers versagend, bitterlich weinend irgendwo in der Verborgenheit des Waldes. Erst als ich 18 Jahre alt war, wurde durch Albert Fraenkel in Badenweiler die Diagnose gestellt. Bis dahin hatte ich häufige Fierberattacken infolge falscher Behandlung meines Zustandes. Jetzt lernte ich, das Leben einzurichten unter den Bedingungen dieser Krankheit. Ich las eine Abhandlung von R. Virchow, /281/ die bis ins Detail meine Krankheit beschrieb und die Prognose stellte: spätestens in den dreißiger Jahren ihres Lebens gehen diese Kranken an allgemeiner Vereiterung zugrunde. Ich begriff, worauf es in der Behandlung ankommt. Langsam lernte ich die Verfahren, die ich zum Teil selbst erfand. Unmöglich war die richtige Durchführung, wenn ich der normalen Lebensführung der Gesunden folgte. Will ich arbeiten, muß ich das Schädliche wagen, will ich am Leben bleiben, muß ich für strengste Ordnung unter Vermeidung des Schädlichen sorgen. Zwischen diesen beiden Polen verlief mein Dasein. ...
(Philosophische Autobiographie, in: 3336, Philosophie und Welt, München 1963, S. 280-81.)
date of origin: listopad 2010

Resistence | Protivenství

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (-5 – +65)
Epistula LXXVIII.
Toto contra ille pugnet animo; vincetur, si cesserit, vincet, si se contra dolorem suum intenderit. Nunc hoc plerique faciunt, adtrahunt in se ruinam, cui obstandum est. Istud quod premit, quod inpendet, quod urget, si subducere te coeperis, sequetur et gravius incumbet; si contra steteris et obniti volueris, repelletur. ...
Let such a man fight against them with all his might: if he once gives way, he will be vanquished; but if he strives against his sufferings, he will conquer. As it is, however, what most men do is to drag down upon their own heads a falling ruin which they ought to try to support. If you begin to withdraw your support from that which thrusts toward you and totters and is ready to plunge, it will follow you and lean more heavily upon you; but if you hold your ground and make up your mind to push against it, it will be forced back. ...
(...., Ad Lucilium Epistulae morales, London 1970, p. 190 / 191.)
date of origin: březen 2014

Dar a obdarovaný

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (60)
Itaque dum incipit esse mentis tuae, interim hoc consilio sapientium utere, ut magis ad rem existimes pertinere, quis, quam quid acceperit.
(6307, Ad Lucilium epistulae morales I, Cambridge Mass. + London1979, LIX, p. 132.)
Therefore, while you are beginning to call your mind your own, meantime apply this maxim of the wise: consider that it is more important who receives a thing, than what it is he receives.
(tamtéž, str. 131, překlad: Richard M. Gummere.)
date of origin: prosinec 2012

Smrt a nemoc | Nemoc

Gabriel Marcel (1968)
Role smrti je v mých dramatech naprosto prvořadá, v jistém smyslu též role nemoci; to je ostatně věc, kterou mi dost bizarně vytkl Pierre Aimé Touchard ve své knize Dionýsos: podle něj jsem nemoci a smrti vyhradil příliš mnoho místa. Přiznávám, že mě to pobavilo, protože nevěřím, že bychom kdy mohli nemoci a smrti vyhradit dosti význačné místo: tady jsme v samém srdci našeho údělu a našeho tajemství.
(7130, Paul Ricoeur – Gabriel Marcel, Rozhovory, Brno 1999, s. 39.)
date of origin: listopad 2000