Here you will find a digitized image of Hejdánek's original filing cabinet. Its total volume is many thousand tickets. We publish them in parts as we handle them. At the moment we have worked out what prof. Hejdánek himself developed electronically. However, much work remains on paper cards. In addition to Hejdánek's extracts from reading, the filing cabinet also includes his own thought work from recent years, which cannot be found elsewhere.

Emergence a počítače

Philip Anderson (2008)
Our experimentalist colleagues get to organize massive data streams into the beautiful false-color pictures we see on the covers of Science and Nature. For us theorists the computer is more of a mixed blessing. Many see it as our substitute; our role is to take the (mostly) known laws of physics and calculate their consequences by letting computers do all the work.
For most systems of interest, however, the basic laws of physics, though not incorrect, are inadequate. The reason is emergence, which says that when a system becomes large and complex enough, its constituents self-organize into arrangements that one could never deduce a priori, even though the laws of physics are obeyed. The obvious example is life, but emergence also acts on a more primitive level. Even the quantum theory of what should be the simplest of all crystalline solids, helium, is still a bit of a mystery.
In an attempt to cope with such problems, some of my colleagues try to do what I said they couldn't: follow all the atoms or electrons as they interact using massive computer simulations. Unfortunately, the number of atoms and the length of time they can be followed are negligible compared with even the tiniest speck of real matter. In addition, they use various assumptions and tricks that tend to predetermine the outcome.
The prestige attached to computers and their erudite gimmicks impresses almost everyone, but especially the simulators. They often believe they have proved that a system--like the little crystal of solid helium--can't possibly behave the way experiments show, therefore there's something dubious about the experiments, and not the simulations. Of course, to the casual observer computer simulations are far more impressive than old-fashioned logic and common sense. But we must remember that a simulation, even if correct, can't really prove anything. Computers will always have limits of error in trying to model the world. In the end logic and pure science, independent of the computer, still get us closest to nature, even without the pretty pictures.
Philip Anderson is a professor at Princeton University and was the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1977.
Computers have been responsible for immeasurable progress in physics. But contrary to assumptions, experimentalists are the heavy users.
by Philip Anderson • Posted July 9, 2008 02:46 PM
date of origin: září 2008

Entita a jsoucno(st | Bytí a jsoucnost | Jsoucnost a bytí

Ladislav Hejdánek (1985)
... Mohu jen několika slovy naznačit, oč tu jde – v ostatním odkazuji na jiné své texty. Když o něčem řekneme, že to „jest“, můžeme tím vypovídat o jsoucnosti jsoucna, anebo o bytí jsoucna (v takovém případě ovšem jen o bytí „pravého jsoucna“). Každé (pravé) jsoucno ve svém bytí prochází celou sérií svých jsoucností, přičemž každá jednotlivá jsoucnost je spíše jakousi abstrakcí, relativní vůči „pozorovateli“. Jsoucnost je pouze jakási „konfigurace“, ale opravdu „skutečné“ je jen bytí (resp. jsoucno je skutečné jen ve svém bytí). A v čem spočívá bytí jsoucna? V tom, že „vnitřní“ se zvnějšňuje, že se „nepředmětné“ zpředmětňuje. Jsoucno ve svém bytí má tudíž obojí tvář, obě stránky: vnitřní i vnější, nepředmětnou i předmětnou. Jinak řečeno: vše, co „jest“, je „konkrecí“ vnitřní i vnější stránky (i když „konkrece“ – od concresco, tedy něco jako „srostlice“ – není slovem nepřiléhavějším). Termín „nepředmětná entita“ je proto contradictio in adiecto: nic ryze nepředmětného nemůže být jsoucnem, entitou; nanejvýš lze mluvit o nepředmětné (eventuelně vnitřní) stránce entity, ovšem vždycky „konkrétní“ entity.
(Nepředmětná „entita“? in: Reflexe č.1, 1985, (10), str. 6-13 – samizdat.)
date of origin: červen 2014