Here you will find a digitized image of Hejdánek's original filing cabinet. Its total volume is many thousand tickets. We publish them in parts as we handle them. At the moment we have worked out what prof. Hejdánek himself developed electronically. However, much work remains on paper cards. In addition to Hejdánek's extracts from reading, the filing cabinet also includes his own thought work from recent years, which cannot be found elsewhere.

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records: 9

Metafyzika dle Aristotela | Fysika dle Aristotela | Aristotelés o metafyzice | Matematika dle Aristotela | Aristotelés o matematice | Aristotelés o fysice

Jean Brun (1961)
Les mathématiques traitent des êtres immuables mais non séparés (les figures des êtres immuables par leur essence, mais ils ne sont pas séparés car il n´y a pas de figures séparés de ce dont il y a figure, ni de nombres séparés des choses nombrées; cf. Phys. II 2 193 b 22 sq.); la physique traite des êtres qui on en eux-mêmes un principe de mouvement et qui sont par conséquent des êtres mobiles et séparés les uns des autres; quant à la métaphysique, elle s´occupe de l´Etre immobile et séparé (cf. Méta. E 1 1026 a 13; K 7 1064 a 28).
(6514, Aristote et le Lycée, P.U.F., Paris 1961, p. 51.)
date of origin: srpen 2003

Protivenství | Resistence

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (-5 - +65)
Epistula LXXVIII.
Toto contra ille pugnet animo; vincetur, si cesserit, vincet, si se contra dolorem suum intenderit. Nunc hoc plerique faciunt, adtrahunt in se ruinam, cui obstandum est. Istud quod premit, quod inpendet, quod urget, si subducere te coeperis, sequetur et gravius incumbet; si contra steteris et obniti volueris, repelletur. …
[Let such a man fight against them with all his might: if he once gives way, he will be vanquished; but if he strives against his sufferings, he will conquer. As it is, however, what most men do is to drag down upon their own heads a falling ruin which they ought to try to support. If you begin to withdraw your support from that which thrusts toward you and totters and is ready to plunge, it will follow you and lean more heavily upon you; but if you hold your ground and make up your mind to push against it, it will be forced back. …]
(…., Ad Lucilium Epistulae morales, London 1970, p. 190 / 191.)
date of origin: březen 2000

Prague (Praha)

Hynek Vignon (2001)
Qui est-ce?
C'est une capitale
Avec une Tour Eiffel
Et un pont
C'est une grande capitale
Dans le pays Tchèque
Avec de belles forêts
date of origin: únor 2001

Příchod (přicházení)

Homér ()
… . ό δ´ ήϊε νυκτι εοικώσ.
…; and his coming was like the night.
I, 47
(6268, The Iliad, Loeb, Cambridge (Mass.) + London 1978, p. 6 + 7.)
Těmito prosil slovy – i slyšel ho Apollón Foibos:
S olympských povstal výšin a kráčel, rozhněván v srdci,
lučiště na pleci maje a toulec zamčený kolkol.
Rázem řinkot šípů se rozzvučel, jak se dal v pochod,
s plecí rozhněvaného. – I kráčel podoben noci.
Konečně opodál lodí si usednuv, vystřelil šipku;
hrozný zazněl zvuk, jak lukem stříbrným střelil.
I, 44-49
(0629, Ílias, př. O.Vaňorný, J.Laichter, Praha 31942, str. 4.)
date of origin: červen 2002

Protivenství | Resistence

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (-5 – +65)
Epistula LXXVIII.
Toto contra ille pugnet animo; vincetur, si cesserit, vincet, si se contra dolorem suum intenderit. Nunc hoc plerique faciunt, adtrahunt in se ruinam, cui obstandum est. Istud quod premit, quod inpendet, quod urget, si subducere te coeperis, sequetur et gravius incumbet; si contra steteris et obniti volueris, repelletur. ...
Let such a man fight against them with all his might: if he once gives way, he will be vanquished; but if he strives against his sufferings, he will conquer. As it is, however, what most men do is to drag down upon their own heads a falling ruin which they ought to try to support. If you begin to withdraw your support from that which thrusts toward you and totters and is ready to plunge, it will follow you and lean more heavily upon you; but if you hold your ground and make up your mind to push against it, it will be forced back. ...
(...., Ad Lucilium Epistulae morales, London 1970, p. 190 / 191.)
date of origin: březen 2014