Archiv Ladislava Hejdánka | Kartotéka

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záznamů: 17

Život a chemie

James Jeans (1930)
... But would they then be a living cell? In other words, is a living cell merely a group of ordinary atoms arranged in some non-ordinary way, or is it something more? Is it merely atoms, or is it atoms plus life? Or, to put it in another way, could a sufficiently skilful chemist create life out of the necessary atoms, as a boy can create a machine out of „meccano“, and then make it go? We do not know the answer. ...
(0026, The Mysterious Universe, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth 1938, p. 17.)
vznik lístku: listopad 2011

Život a vesmír | Vesmír a život

James Jeans (1930)
Just for this reason it seems incredible that the universe can have been designed primarily to produce life like our own; had it been so, surely we might have expected to find a better proportion between the magnitude of the mechanism and the amount od the product. At first glance at least, life seems to be an utterly unimportant by-product; we living things are somehow off the main line.
We do not know whether suitable physical conditions are sufficient in themselves to produce life. ...
(0026, The Mysterious Universe, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth 1938, p. 16.)
vznik lístku: listopad 2011