Here you will find a digitized image of Hejdánek's original filing cabinet. Its total volume is many thousand tickets. We publish them in parts as we handle them. At the moment we have worked out what prof. Hejdánek himself developed electronically. However, much work remains on paper cards. In addition to Hejdánek's extracts from reading, the filing cabinet also includes his own thought work from recent years, which cannot be found elsewhere.

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records: 151


Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1808-1832)
Grau, teurer Freund, ist alle Theorie,
Und grün des Lebens goldner Baum
(0198, Faust, Leipzig ?, S. 61.)
date of origin: květen 2000


Oscar Wilde ()
A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.
(ex: 7843, Webster´s Pocket Quotation Dictionary, Trident Press Int. 1997, p. 106.)
date of origin: říjen 2000


Přísloví ()
Though thy enemy seems a mouse, yet watch him like a lion.
(ex: 7843, Webster´s Pocket Quotation Dictionary, Trident Press Int. 1997, p. 140.)
date of origin: říjen 2000

Freunde (falsche) | Přátelé (falešní)

Friedrich Nietzsche (1884-1885)
Für falsche Freunde
Du stahlst, dein Auge ist nicht rein –
Nur Einen Gedanken stahlst du? – Nein,
Wer darf so frech bescheiden sein!
Nimm diese Handvoll obendrein –
Nimm all mein Mein –
Und friß dich rein daran, du Schwein!
28 [50]
(Nachgelassene Fragmente, in: 4581, Sämtliche Werke 11, Colli-Montinari, München 1980, S. 308 u. 333.)
date of origin: leden 2001

Neues Testament

Friedrich Nietzsche (1884)
Das neue Testament
Dies das heiligste Gebet –
Wohl- und Wehe-Buch?
- Doch an seiner Pforte steht
- Gottes Ehebruch!
28 [53]
(Nachgelassene Fragmente, in: 4581, Sämtliche Werke 11, Colli-Montinari, München 1980, S. 321.)
date of origin: leden 2001