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záznamů: 32

Neomezené (APEIRON)

Aristotelés (–384-324)
It remains to disarm the considerations urged in /263/ support of the existence of the unlimited not only as a potentiality but as actually compassed. Some of them do not follow as alleged from the admitted premises; and the rest can be met along some other line od sound reasoning.
(1)Admitting that things never cease to come into being, it does not follow that there actually exists some sense-perceptible body unlimited in quantity; for though the sum of things be limited, things may come out of and pass into each other without end.
(2)Again, being in contact and being limited are different things. Contact is a relation with something else, for there must be something to touch the touched; and this may happen to something limited incidentally; but ,being limited‘ is not a relation. Also a limited thing need not be touched by a thing homogeneous with itself and cannot be touched by any other.
(3)It is futil to trust to what we can conceive as a guide to what is or can be; for the excess or defect in such a case lies not in the thing but in the conceiving. One might conceive any one of us to be many times as big as we are, without limit; but if there does not exist a man too big for the city to hold, for instance, or even bigger than the men we know of, that is not because we have conceived him to exist, but because he does; and whethe we have or have not conceived him to exist is a mere incident.
Fys. III, 8, 208a
(The Physics I, London etc. 1970, p. 261+263
vznik lístku: červen 2003

„Nitro“ světa | Svět a jeho „nitro“ | Umění a svět

Friedrich Nietzsche (1885-86)
2 [119]
„Wie weit reicht die Kunst ins innere der Welt? Und giebt es abseits vom „Künstler“ noch kündstlerische Gewalten?“ Diese Frage war, wie man weiß, mein Ausgangspunkt: und ich sagte Ja zu der zweiten Frage; und zur ersten „die Welt selbst ist nichts als Kunst.“ Der unbedingte Wille zum Wissen, zur Wahr- und Weisheit erschien mir in einer solchen Welt des Scheins als Frevel an dem metaphysischen Grundwillen, als Wider-Natur: und billigerweise wendet sich Spitze der Weisheit gegen den Weisen. Das Widernatürliche der Weisheit offenbart sich in ihrer Kunstfeindlichkeit: erkennen wollen, wo der Schein eben die Erlösung ist – welche Umkehrung, welcher Instinkt zum Nichts !
(Nachlaß, in: 4582, SW Bd. 12, München-Berlin 1980, S. 121.)
vznik lístku: duben 2003