Here you will find a digitized image of Hejdánek's original filing cabinet. Its total volume is many thousand tickets. We publish them in parts as we handle them. At the moment we have worked out what prof. Hejdánek himself developed electronically. However, much work remains on paper cards. In addition to Hejdánek's extracts from reading, the filing cabinet also includes his own thought work from recent years, which cannot be found elsewhere.

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records: 101


Ivan Turgeněv ()
To mortify and even to injure an opponent, reproach him with the very defect or vice … you feel … in yourself.
(ex: 7843, Webster´s Pocket Quotation Dictionary, Trident Press Int. 1997, p. 106.)
date of origin: říjen 2000

Slova - význam

Alfred North Whitehead (19)
… Of course a discussion as to the mere application of a word easily degenerates into the most fruitless logomachy. It is open to any one to use any word in any sense. But …
(Mathematics, in: 2879, Essays in Science and Philosophy, New York 1948, p. 200; orig. in: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th issue.)
date of origin: červenec 2005

Porozumění minulosti (a autorita) | Dávní lidé (starší, zemřelí)

Friedrich Nietzsche (1888)
Die posthumen Menschen werden schlechter verstanden, aber besser gehört als die zeitgemäßen. Oder, strenger: sie werden nie verstanden – und eben daher ihre Autorität !
(Nachgelassene Fragmente, in: 4583, SW Bd. 13, S. 479.)
date of origin: duben 2003

Protivenství | Resistence

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (-5 - +65)
Epistula LXXVIII.
Toto contra ille pugnet animo; vincetur, si cesserit, vincet, si se contra dolorem suum intenderit. Nunc hoc plerique faciunt, adtrahunt in se ruinam, cui obstandum est. Istud quod premit, quod inpendet, quod urget, si subducere te coeperis, sequetur et gravius incumbet; si contra steteris et obniti volueris, repelletur. …
[Let such a man fight against them with all his might: if he once gives way, he will be vanquished; but if he strives against his sufferings, he will conquer. As it is, however, what most men do is to drag down upon their own heads a falling ruin which they ought to try to support. If you begin to withdraw your support from that which thrusts toward you and totters and is ready to plunge, it will follow you and lean more heavily upon you; but if you hold your ground and make up your mind to push against it, it will be forced back. …]
(…., Ad Lucilium Epistulae morales, London 1970, p. 190 / 191.)
date of origin: březen 2000

Řeč (e Sprache) - původ

Karl Jaspers (1947)
a) Die Frage nach dem Ursprung der Sprache. Ursprung kann gemeint sein entweder als der Sinn der Sprache im Sein oder als der Anfang des Sprachwerdens. Die Sinnfrage geht auf das zeitlose Wesen der Sprache, die genetische Frage auf die zeitliche Herkunft.
aa) Sinnfrage. Der Sinn der Sprache wird klar entweder durch immanente Wesensforschung oder durch metaphysische Erhellung des Sprachgrundes:
1. Immanent zeigt sich …
2. Dem transzendierenen Suchen erscheint die Sprache als …
(3326, Von der Wahrheit, München 1958, S. 441.)
date of origin: březen 2005