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Post subject: Can an actual occasion be felt more than once?
In Whitehead's Philosophy of Organism, can an actual occasion be positively prehended (felt) by more than one actual occasion? I have been told that it can, but I can't see how this could be so:
An actual occasion reaches satisfaction in the concrescence of its being positively prehended by another actual occasion and becomes a superject (while it is the data or object for the prehending actual occasion which is, for itself, the subject of the concrescence), i.e., it is objectively immortalized in the prehending actual occasion. I think Whitehead says that every actual occasion is at the same time a subject and a superject, a subject-superject, but he also says that in reaching satisfaction, an actual occasion loses its nature as a subject and only retains a superject status. In a sense, the actual occasion seems to 'die' subjectively and only lives on in how it altered or affected the prehending actual occasion in the concrescence. So, I guess what I'm getting at is if it only lives on objectively as a 'feature' (this may not be a good word to use) of another actual occasion, how is it 'there' to be prehended by another actual occasion later?
Whitehead says that actual occasions don't change, they only perish. So, if it has a specific subjective aim, and it achieves this subjective aim in being prehended, and, as a result, becomes completely determinate, how is it able to later be a subject-superject again to be prehended by a different actual occasion?
I think I asked the same question about 5 or 6 times in different ways, I'm just trying to make sure I'm being sufilosoficiently clear, but if you read through the whole question, thanks for your patience! I'm going to start losing sleep over this question soon.
Personally Ordered Society
Joined: 04 Nov 2004, Posts: 53, Location: Boston
vznik lístku: leden 2008