Here you will find a digitized image of Hejdánek's original filing cabinet. Its total volume is many thousand tickets. We publish them in parts as we handle them. At the moment we have worked out what prof. Hejdánek himself developed electronically. However, much work remains on paper cards. In addition to Hejdánek's extracts from reading, the filing cabinet also includes his own thought work from recent years, which cannot be found elsewhere.

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records: 48


Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
Oh, Gwendolen is as right as a trivet. As far as she is concerned, we are engaged. Her mother is perfectly unbearable. Never met such a Gorgon . . . I don't really know what a Gorgon is like, but I am quite sure that Lady Bracknell is one. In any case, she is a monster, without being a myth, which is rather unfair . . . I beg your pardon, Algy, I suppose I shouldn't talk about your own aunt in that way before you.
My dear boy, I love hearing my relations abused. It is the only thing that makes me put up with them at all. Relations are simply a tedious pack of people, who haven't got the remotest knowledge of how to live, nor the smallest instinct about when to die.
(The Importance of Beeing Earnest, Act 1 – www : )
date of origin: listopad 2006

Vědění (a pravda)

Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling (2012)
1. Alles Wissen beruht auf der Übereinstimmung eines Objektiven mit einem Subjektiven. – Denn man weiß nur das Wahre; die Wahrheit aber wird allgemein in die Übereinstimmung der Vorstellungen mit ihren Gegenständen gesetzt.
2. Wir können den Inbegriff alles bloß Objektiven in unserm Wissen Natur nennen; der Inbegriff alles Subjektiven dagegen heiße das Ich, oder die Intelligenz. Beide Begriffe sin sich entgegengesetzt. ...
3. Im Wissen selbst – indem ich weiß – ist Objektives und Subjektives so vereinigt, daß man nicht sagen kann, welchem von beiden die Priorität zukomme. Es ist hier kein Erstes und kein Zweites, beide sind gleichzeitig und eins. – ...
(System des transzendentalen Idealismus, ex: Natur und geschichtlicher Prozeß, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a.M. 1984, S. 412 – Einleitung, § 1.)
date of origin: prosinec 2012

Pravda | Pravda (latinské citáty)

Nihil enim est … veritatis luce dulcius. (Cicero Acad. ad Varronem II, 10, 31)
Simplex ratio veritatis. (Cicero, De or. I, 53, 229)
Veritatis simplex oratio est. (Seneca, Ep. 49, 12)
Patet omnibus veritas. (Seneca, Ep. 33, 11)
Satis diserte pro se loquitur veritas. (Publius Syrus, Sent. S. 50)
O magna vis veritatis, quae contra hominum ingenia, calliditatem, sollertiam contraque fictas omnium insidias facile se per se ipsa defendat! (Cicero, Cael. 26, 63)
Veritas temporis filia est. (Gellius, Noct.Att. XII, 11, 7)
Veritatem dies aperit. (Seneca, De ira II, 22, 2)
Vulgoque veritas iam attributa vino est. (Plinius st., Nat XIV, 22 (28), 141)
Quam nocet saepe verum dicere! (Phaedrus, Fab. Appendix 15)
Veritas odium parit. (Ausonius, Ludus, Bias 3)
Vulgus veritatis pessimus interpres. (Seneca, Vit 2, 1)
Veritatem laborare nimis saepe aiunt, exstingui numquam. (Livius, Urb. XXII, 39, 19)
Errore enim veritas originis non amittitur. (Ulpianus, Dig. L, 1, 6)
Veritas visu et mora, falsa festinatione et incertis valescunt. (Tacitus, Ann. II, 39)
Nimium altercando veritas avertitur. (Publius Syrus, Sent. N. 40)
(citováno ex: 6556, Moudrost starých Římanů, Praha 1990, str. 43 nn. – tam jsou i české překlady)
date of origin: březen 2000