Here you will find a digitized image of Hejdánek's original filing cabinet. Its total volume is many thousand tickets. We publish them in parts as we handle them. At the moment we have worked out what prof. Hejdánek himself developed electronically. However, much work remains on paper cards. In addition to Hejdánek's extracts from reading, the filing cabinet also includes his own thought work from recent years, which cannot be found elsewhere.

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records: 12

Cilurnum (tvrz)

Wikipedie ()
Cilurnum or Cilurvum was a fort on Hadrian's Wall mentioned in the Notitia Dignitatum. It is now identified with the fort found at Chesters near the village of Walwick, Northumberland, England...
along Hadrian's Wall
Hadrian's Wall
Hadrian's Wall is a stone or turf and timber fortification built by the Roman Empire across the width of what is now northern England. Begun in 122, during the rule of emperor Hadrian, it was the first of two fortifications built across Great Britain, the second being the Antonine Wall in what is...
date of origin: únor 2010


Erasmus Rotterdamský (1508)
… Nam que tandem est iniquitas, cum omni uite insti tuto suos lusus concedamus, studiis nullum omnino lusum permittere, maxime si nuge seria ducant, atque ita tractentur ludicra ut ex his aliquanto plus frugis referat lector non omnino naris obese, quam ex quorundam tetricis ac splendidis argumentis? …
(Moriae encomium, staženo www. )
date of origin: listopad 2005

Právo - kořeny etymologické

slovníky ()
česky: právo (od „pravé“ strany, podobně spravedlnost, správný, pravda, pravý, pravidlo atd.)
německy: Recht (od „rechte“ Seite, richtig, recht haben, Gerechtigkeit, )
anglicky: right (od right side, to be right, righteousness, též straight, correct, true, just)
francouzsky: droit (od přímý, rovný, též pravý; la droite – pravá strana)
latinsky: ius (též iurisprudentia, iustus, iustitia)
date of origin: březen 2000


Erasmus Rotterdamský (1508)
… Vt enim nihil nugacius quam seria nugatorie tractare, ita nihil festiuius quam ita tractare nugas ut nihil minus quam nugatus fuisse uidearis. De me quidem aliorum erit iudicium; tamet si, nisi plane me fallit philautia, Stulticiam laudauimus, sed non omnino stulte.
(Moriae encomium, staženo www. )
date of origin: listopad 2005

Intelligere | Veritas Dei | Intellectus | Credere

Anselm z Canterbury ()
… Non tento, domine, penetrare altitudinem tuam, quia nullatenus comparo illi intellectum meum; sed desidero aliquatenus intelligere veritatem tuam, quam credit et amat cor meum. Neque enim quaero intelligere ut credam, sed credo ut intelligam. Nam ad hoc credo: quia „„nisi credidero, non intelligam“.
… Nepokouším se, Pane, proniknout tvé výšiny, protože na to mé nahlédnutí ani zdaleka nestačí. Toužím však alespoň poněkud nahlédnout tvou pravdu, v kterou věří a kterou miluje mé srdce. Nesnažím se totiž nahlédnout, abych věřil, ale věřím, abych nahlédl. Neboť věřím také tomu, že pokud nebudu věřit, nemohu ani nahlédnout.
(6825, Fides quaerens intellectum, Praha 1990, lat. str. 32, česky str. 33.)
date of origin: září 2000